The weekend starts here.....

Hello everyone
I hope you all enjoyed the guest post from yesterday and went over to read mine and didn't get upset at my profanities (get me, posh words)

Yesterday evening I went out with one of my closest friends (Wi ) but prior to that Neb, the girls and I had a fantastic boogie.
Yes, last night after work I did the washing up (I lead an exciting life, honestly) but to make it a bit more interesting I decided to wash up whilst dancing and singing (badly) to the ipod. We (Car and I) boogied and bum wiggled to the following music selection.

Car then decided to princess dance to the next song

Neb then came in to make burgers with the girls and we moved on to more songs

This proved a fantastic song to dance to and Car spent a time saying Tricky, which is funnier than singing Ice Ice baby!

The girls and Neb then had burgers for supper and I went out with Wi to have dinner.

We went to an Irish pub in our local town where in the eating area we were treated like apes VIP's as we were roped in! Dinner was great and relaxing and we had a candlelit dinner due to being in love the power tripping. As we are obviously such late night people we stayed up and out until very late (10pm).

On our way home, we sang Happy Birthday to Wa who is currently somewhere in New Zealand enjoying a well deserved break.

Here's to a great weekend which involves some walking, shopping, a date with my husband with a takeaway and a film from Sky box office and hopefully some more crazy tunes and dancing.

I'm off now and leave you listening to one of my favourite songs from our ipod


  1. Lol I hate that Beautiful South song - it was my old next door neighbours favourite song and he used to play it after a heavy night out, usually around three o clock in the morning at about three thousand decibals.... Over and over again!

    He was a lovely neighbour apart from that!

  2. We saw the Bangles in concert a couple of years ago - they were great and my then 3 year old LOVED that song. Good to have a musical interlude on a Saturday

  3. Love Beautiful South.

    Howling "wedding bells that turned to rust" while hauling black bags of stuff to the dump got me through the separation from foreign husband 1.0

    Sarah, British home educating mum to a mini Italian nationalist in deepest, darkest Lomellina

  4. Love your boogie selections. I love RUN DMC too!

  5. *bending over belly-laughing*

    Okay.. that took me back about 10 years! That song "Tricky" was played as a cheer-leading dance number. I was kind of mafia-recruited "You will cheer or we will make your life Hell" kind of thing, and I DO NOT dance. It didn't go well.

    LOLOL! Thanks for the laugh! Man, I hated cheering. And those stinks didn't even invite me to our 10 year anniversary! The dancing wasn't THAT bad...

  6. Run DMC - I've not heard them for years! Have urge to go and download them now...

  7. Great tunes to dance to. Glad I'm not the only one who does that.

  8. PS Loved your guest post too!! Left a comment on your buddy's blog. Hilarious.

  9. Brings back SO many memories esp the Bangles! Hope you had a great week end!


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