Wrestling a crocodile!

Yes, I feel like Crocodile Dundee tonight!

One of the things that should be on the position details for being a mother would be crocodile wrestling.

Car had to go to doctor's today (because of the sticky eyes) and we've come back with eye drops to put in her eye up to 3/4 times a day.

Which would be dead simple if she was 6 or 60 but she's 2! Its bad enough that I wipe her eyes first with cotton wool dipped in cooled down boiled water but then to try and get one drop gently in to her eye ( yes that's what it says on the bottle - gently drop a droplet into each eye!) that is another thing.

Neb has gone to his Welsh class so it was up to me to get them in before bed.
I thought it would be easy to get them in upstairs in bathroom prior to brushing her teeth.

Yeah right, haha I'm so funny.
I begged, I pleaded, I tried mummy calm voice then some mummy angry voice but no way in the world would she open her eyes. I then leant her back on my legs and tried to prise eyes open without hurting her (trying to be as gentle  as possible.
It didn't work, I took her into our bedroom, I lay her on our bed, she rolled over and shouted NO MUMMY, crying and screaming as I tried to get her eyes open. When hell froze over Eventually she opened her eyes a tiny bit and I managed to get them in!

We have several days of this ahead of us so if you know of a zookeeper job anywhere then let me know because after this I will definately be up for an easier challenge, like feeding the lions perhaps or perhaps I could join the circus and do this:

Bye for now BNM

PS  I hope you like the new look, the green was getting a tad too green for me and others!!


  1. We had to put eye drops in the little ones eyes from about 1 month to 3 months. It is impossible. Hubby has a phobia about stuff with eyes so couldn't help! Wish I had some tips for you!

  2. good luck I have bad memories of eye drops & smalls... even more fun to try the natural method of booby juice ;-)

  3. TheMoiderer - no tips :(
    Becky - I read that so fast I thought it said eye drops and snails! Booby Juice all gone I think !!

  4. Little tip, do it when she is asleep. at least that way some goes in. Hard I know, but been there and it was the only way I could manage

  5. Try this - lay her down, tell her to close her eyes, place a drop on each corner and then have her open her eyes. It usually worked for mine when he was small...

  6. You should have wrapped her in a towel like people do with cats :D

    Although Gigi's method is tried and tested in this house and it works most of the time.

  7. I remember having to do this to Harry when he was about 3 and it was a nightmare - wish I'd heard of Gigi's method then...sounds foolproof!

  8. Have had this struggle myself. Can't understand how something more appropriate has been developed for children so small. You know how they give a little plastic spoon with liquid meds sometimes? They should give out some sort of apparatus with the eye drops too, I just can't think of what it would actually do, freeze them for 30 seconds maybe? :) Jen.

  9. Aww, I'm sorry you're having such trouble! Sick kids are just no fun and how DARE they not cooperate! The gall! And at 2 years old! She should KNOW to sit there and let you do whatever the directions say.

    I hope the pink eye gives up the ghost soon.
    My sister in law's kids had it a couple of weeks ago. We, thankfully (says 10 prayers and knocks on wood just in case) have not had it.

    Thinking well thoughts for you guys.

  10. My kids had pink eye last year and I had to straddle them (pinning down their arms and legs with my body) to do it. It was...not fun. To say the least. Good luck! And I hope it's over soon. (PS I do the same thing to get Diego to brush his teeth currently. Every. single. night.)

  11. I've had to do the straddle thing too, pinning her down with my knees - it was awful. Wish I'd known about trying it when she was asleep - such a good idea!

  12. Oh I've been there and she's only 11 months. Health professionals are constantly telling me how 'strong' she is. I dread it when she gets bigger.

  13. Thank you all and especially to Gigi
    You wil all be glad to now that even though it is still a struggle- she now starts to scream when the bottle comes out and it now takes both of us to hold her down the stickyness is getting less and less each day!

  14. Am so glad it seems to be getting better and that you are at least able to get the drops in now! After 15 years of doing this mom thing - that's about the only trick I've got! ;-)

  15. Oh I know what you feel. My eldest used to get conjonctivitis at least once a month. I tried the drops and also the ointment. I found the ointment was easier to apply but they have stopped making it. Arghh. In the end I resorted to do it when she was asleep.


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