In the name of Parenthood

(Just to let you all know that it must be getting quite bad now because I'm dreaming of blogs ideas in my sleep!!!)

In the name of Parenthood:

I have had Car vomit into my mouth and my ear! - I don't do vomit!

I have had so many people look at my nether regions (during labour!) that I may as well give you all a free day pass!

I have endured having to finish the girls supper on all occasions (especially when Neb gets upset that they didn't finish it - but don't tell him thats our little secret!)

I have cut fingers and sworn at those blinkin' fiddly wirey things on kids toy packaging (!)

I have eaten bits of biscuit that have been half eaten when passed to me on teaplate for teddy bears picnic - well you can't not!

I have watched endless hours of kids tv (all in the interest of scientifical research honestly! - both Bel and I are upset at Tracy Beaker finishing!!)

I have read "Let's go on a Bear Hunt " until I now know all the words off by heart .

I have to watch all the new animation films out - favourite so far for me Happy Feet - I so love penguins!

I have a possible bladder control problem - when I laugh I know for sure that a small bit of wee comes out!

I have to go to the zoo on a regular basis or we all get withdrawal symptoms - off to Twycross over Easter!

As you can see this list could be never ending but I know that only some of them are not taxing and I do enjoy most- apart from possible the vomit!

In the name of Parenthood I will strive to make every day of their life a happy time, full of love and laughter. (Occasionally there will be days when this won't happen - when I'm tired, hungover or ill!!)

Is there anything in the name of Parenthood that you do?




  1. And I forgot to add one thing - I have now not a bra but a dummy holding receptacle - the first place Car's hands go when looking for her dummy!!

  2. Quite useful knowing the words to Going on a Bear Hunt, isn't it? Helps make boring car journeys pass more quickly!

  3. Endured the junior school version of Joseph on Friday evening!

  4. Working Mum - I'd have loved it (I have a thing for all musicals!) were you allowed to join in?

  5. Vom in the mouth? Nooooo!
    The worst thing for me is picking K's bogies, but someone has to do it!

  6. This is a great list!! I also never thought boy's pee could hit you in the eye but it can :-{

  7. I do things for my children that I would never do for anyone else, the first thing that springs to mid is suppository insertion. I will say no more :) Jen.

  8. I think I can check all of these off my list except Going on a Bear Hunt. For us it's the Very Hungry Caterpillar! ;)

    In the name of parenthood I've gone out at 4am in the morning when I realised I'd run out of milk and the lil guy wasn't well. >_<

  9. Oh jeez; what haven't I done? And I'm sure the future holds much more that I will do...

  10. DId you see my post I know what you mean about dreaming blog posts.

    For us, we read the same books every day, day after day. We put up with Iggle Piggle, we seem to have no problem with poo and we give up half our bed regularly.

  11. What have we NOT done in the name of Parenthood? Poos, vomit, boggies, etc . all the things you wouldn't do for anybody else. Read the same books, pulled the same silly face (even in public) just to get a smile. Repeated the same thing over and over again. And that's just a start!

  12. The vomit bit sounds totally gross! But I imagine I have been there (choose to forget!). And I know just what you mean about the day pass; having had a difficult labour and a door which swung open at every opportunity to allow yet another member of staff into the room, my nether regions are probably quite popular.

    CJ xx

  13. BNM. You are a genius. This is a beautiful and very very true post! For all parents everywhere. Here's my additions...

    In the name of parenthood I have carried a dead bird 4 miles through the forest for my son. And I have blown up 50 balloons in a row until I thought I might faint. And I have slept in a tent in the middle of a thunderstorm. And I have done all of it gladly. Except maybe the dead bird. That part was GROSS.


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