I am me

This post is in response to the Sleep is for the Weak writing workshop. I am for a change on the ball and after Josie using another of my posts for inspiration (are you mad woman?) I thought I'd join in.

Who am I?

I am Mum, I am Wife
I am Daughter, I am Sister
I am Friend, I am Lover
I am Barenakedmummy
I am Me.

I am the one who pays the bills,
The cook and the cleaner.
I am the one who shouts at you all
To wake up, get dressed.
And go.

I am the mother of two lovely girls
Bel and Car.
I carried you both full term and more.
I love you and give you all I can.

I am the daughter to my father.
And my mother past.
I am your pride and joy,
Your little girl.

I am the bigger sister to a younger brother.
I am the one who held you long ago.
Through your tears and your joy.
I am the one who shared childhood fun with you.

I am a caring friend to you who know me.
I will listen and I will share.
I will carry your secrets to my grave.
I will share your tears and give you hugs.
And I will love you all.

I am a blogger supreme(!)
I am a mad nutty mummy.
I lay everything out for all to see
And make you laugh and giggle at me.

I am me.
Redheaded feisty independent woman.
I feel, I care and I love.
I get scared for future and past
I am me.

Hope you like the poem - written in head on way in to work today.


  1. You're a poet and you didn't even know it! Very touching x

  2. That's brilliant. A lovely bright, energetic poem.

  3. Love it!! You are an awesome poet. I love the refrain "I am me." Beautiful.

  4. I didn't know you were so talented, it's brilliant x

  5. Its fantastic, love it:) Jen.

  6. Its great that you're proud of being you.

  7. This is lovely a really nice poem xx

  8. Good poem. Encompasses the many facets of being.

    Now, where's the bara brith recipe?

  9. That's a brilliant poem! xxxx

  10. I really enjoyed it! Thanks for that.


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