Sticky but not that ill

Hello all.

This is just a quick post before I go and get dressed. (Yes I am blogging bare!! but am under duvet in living room so there!)

Car is not very well - she has sticky eyes of which the cause is unknown - its either snot (!!) or conjuctivitis(!!!!), Neb is going to take her to the doctor later on. But even though she is ill she is currently talking on the brick phone ( I think its like the Batphone!) and declaring to Bel that she needs to shut up! I have already this morning told her off for hitting Bel and then was told that we were counting Mummy.

This is how we count:

Me: One
Car: Two
Me: Three
Car: Three
Me: Four
Me: No it's four, five, six, seven etc.

She has given up on this now and is staring at the tv instead.

Anyway I'm off to get dressed and do morning things before going to a workshop for the course I am taking. If you follow me on twitter you will see that I'm a bit behind on my homework but have now done it!!

See you all later


  1. Oh counting, I think buscuit sounds like an ace number

  2. Motivate with mini biscuits per number uttered in correct order ?

    Dont listen to me, I'm not very good at this sort of stuff.

    I paid my son to use the toilet when we were potty training.

    He was up to five Euros a poo by the time we got there.

    Luckily he had no sense of how cash works so I was able to recycle the same one euro coin and five euro note for the entire process, but still....

  3. Counting works in our house too.... I only ever get to two

  4. I confuse my 2 as we count backwards from 5, Jude thinks counting in odd numbers is the way forward at the moment.

    You naughty girl not doing your homework either!

  5. @The Madhouse - I have now removed said biscuit tin from living room so hopefully number counting can resume in a normalish way .. 1, 2,3 6, 8

    @Sarah - now that's a good idea. If I could get Car to even sit on potty that would be great!

    @SuperLittleMen - don't confuse them + I have done it now and promise to do the next reflective exercise before next Tuesday morning!(some things never change!!)

  6. Hey BNM, this is a great idea for a blogpost. I may use myself at some point - you should turn into a meme. x


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