A good mother?

I sat down tonight to watch Sharon Horgan's programme "How to be a Good Mother" (as Neb had gone out leaving the sky + box recording not one, not two but four programmes - cheers ears!). I'd wanted to watch it when it was aired but seeing as Neb was in I didn't think it'd be his kinda thing.

And what did I learn from the programme.

Well, I know I'm not a stay at home mum who homes schools ( can I say fair play to the woman, 7 children plus one on way and home schooling too - plus having a flat stomach %&$!)But to be honest, it would drive me mad and I love my me time in work (even if that sometimes drives me mad!)

I'm not a continuing mother - baby doesn't need to be carried along all the time (believe me, we co slept with Car and it proved to be a nightmare!), and the no nappy thing - again not for me! But each to their own, even if she thinks that working mothers have an easier time of going back to work.

I'm not the placenta pill producing mum either who thinks that drugging kids when ill is wrong - well I'm obviously wrong then but when your child has a fever what in hell are you meant to do! Also she said that Cesarean babies don't bond which to be honest I know I felt shit for not giving birth to Car naturally (one day I will write their birth stories!) but Mums like her do not need to rub salt in wounds!

And even though , I am not the technology mad, to do list perfect working mother I am a working mother. Except like Sharon, I kinda muddle it through. Lists I do in work, and we may have the odd one or two for home but not anything like the blackboard of this fourth mother.

Luckily, I do not have a teen son but I will have teenage daughters - a thought that is petrifying at the moment. I hope to be protective of them but not as over protective as the stripper mum but who knows. I will wait until that wind blows into our house!

And am I the risk taking mother - maybe not to the extremes of the last mother but I'm definitely no molly coddling helicopter mother!

So after watching the programme I know I'm a good mother because I do it my way - which in a way is what the programme showed. 6 different mothers doing it their way and even if I didn't agree with their ways I think we need to allow everyone to do what they think is best.


PS Sharon is also a good mother for having kids that eat mango (mine probably wouldn't touch it with a barge pole) - and for letting her kids play with a football in the kitchen. And I think for being well and truly bonkers but the kinda mother I would love to be friends with

PPS All opinions about the programme here are mine and if you don't like them well tough!!
