Herman is in the house

There he is, sitting in the corner of the kitchen, slowly talking to himself and growing everyday.

No, I haven't got a new dog,cat or child I have what I've discovered is a bit of a fad.

Yes, Herman the German friendship cake is sat in the kitchen bubbling away. A gift from a work colleague, he has been smouldering in the kitchen since last week.

If, like me, you'd never heard of Herman let me explain. He seems considered in the same vain as those chain letters I used to get in school when I was a kid. You either loved them or you hated them. A bit like Marmite. According to some of the research I did on Herman some people seem to hate him and dispose of poor Herman down the drain after being given him. He doesn't seem to deserve that or the shame that some people seem to believe he carries. He's even going so far as apparently ripping people's friendships apart!

But seriously, he is just a bit of fun and apparently will live even with no attention (according to a work colleague who is very happy to have one of his babies when he gives birth). I'm unsure about what Neb and the girls will think about eating a cake that has been sitting in the kitchen bubbling away but we will try!

I'm hoping to make him with apples but without the raisins etc. If anyone has any other suggestions on how to cook him then let me know in the comments section. And if you want to make friends/ annoy friends then there are instructions here that show how to begin a Herman.

Only one more day and my Herman gives birth. Let's hope that the people I share with don't hate me forever! And yes, when I make Herman into a cake I will share the photos with you all!!

