So bring it on....

Hello all

I have had a day (well a few hours at least) of me time.

I met my godmother in town, I thought she'd come from work and we were just meeting for lunch but no from the kindness of her heart she had decided that she was going to treat me in the sales, buy me lunch and let me be me and not Mummy/Wife/Sole Earner. She told me that money wouldn't matter today, that it was on her and I nearly cried. She is my fairy godmother and I love her to bits.

She was my mum's best friend and I know she has had her ups and down, losing her husband young to heart problems but she was always there for my mum and now she is there for me. I know that when mum died she lost a best friend and I know I can never be her but I will try my damedness to be there for her as I've done over the years. She has had her fair share of heartache and sadness, not only when her children (grown up ones!) decided that they would have nothing to do with her and not let her see her grandchidlren because she had found a man. Luckily after much shouting from me, she didn't stop seeing him then but that love has now passed and she is all alone.
So we went for lunch and we shopped.
Now if you knew where I lived you'd realise that this wouldn't take long as there are not many shops but off we went anyhow. I got a lovely cardigan (shit - am I turning really old!) from Monsoon (I would show you a picture of it but they don't seem to have any online!) and then after our lovely warming beef casserole we walked in the cold to Matalan where I got a couple of pairs of jeans, another cardi a shirt and a top.
She spoiled me rotten. On our way home we popped into  Morrisons and even though I only picked up a few things for supper she paid for that too.

I now that my mum is looking down from up there with her glass of whisky and I know she will be happy to see me being spoiled. I'm glad to say to my mum  that Diolch you picked the best godmother I could possibly have, one who is there for me and when the chips are down will pick me up and spoil me and let me be me.

Anyhow as I'm now sitting at home (alone with Neb in pub, Car asleep and Bel possibly asleep!) , I feel refreshed. I can now cope with going to MIL and FIL for New Year's day and until the Sunday. I can cope with Neb's mad American aunt (no disrespect to any of you lovely yanks but she is cuckoo!), I can cope with his brother and girlfriend.

Bring it on 2010 I am ready for you!!

Bye for now



  1. You are not turning old - you are at the height of fashion - as cardigans are all the rage - in fact I'm wearing one now! ;-)

    I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful day and I'm even happier to hear that you have such a wonderful woman in your life! We all need one like that!

    Oh - and no offense taken on the mad American comment - I know more than a few myself!


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