Potty Problems!

Hi all
Well by some magic of snow (I can't think of any other reason) my comments are now back and working! I have no idea what happened it just has and as always I am grateful to you all for all your help!

Now then as some of you  may now Car is 2 in January (she would have been 2 on Christmas Eve but thats because she was late!!) and due to this I have decided that we should at least start potty training her. (if only so I can save a fortune on nappies!)

We have had the potty around in the living room for the last couple of months and we have progressed.
No longer does she scream at it when she walks past it or if we suggest she sits on it.
She does now however walk past it and hold herself pretending to pee - with noises as well "Piss Piss Piss Mammi"
She will sit endless teddy's on it and has tried to use it to put her crayons in (which got taken out by me)
The other night she sat on it- but before anyone gets too excited she was in her pyjamas. I have tried since to get her to sit on it naked but she screams Happy at you (nappy to you and me). If I then put her nappy on she will get up and sit on it!!! AAGH.

I was hoping as I am home until 4th January that we could get her trained but at this rate it'll be next year.

Any suggestions muchly appreciated



  1. Good luck! I don't have any advice as I haven't been there but I'm sure it'll work out x

  2. I believe it was the miracle of the snow that fixed the comments! ;-)

    As for potty training - I've no idea how to get a girl to do it. My son was about 3 before we were able to successfully get him trained. I seem to recall that using the "don't you want to be a big boy like daddy" strategy and forcing my husband to use the bathroom with the door open .... that didn't seem to impress him much. What did seem to work better was telling him that he couldn't move up to the 3 year old class with his friends in pre-school until he didn't wear diapers anymore (which was true). This worked pretty well - except he would hold his bowel movements until he got home! ::sigh:: Just remember she won't be going to college in diapers - so this too shall pass.

  3. Heck 2! Couldn't get my boys anywhere near a potty until 3. best bit of advice I got was to relax and let them lead me. BOy Boy who is 3 went from npapy to dry in 2 weeks - but only once he wanted to. Do not force the issue, it's just too painful.

  4. Hi all - see I've done all this before with Bel but can I remember it!! Potty will stay in living room and she can sit on it in her trouser and saying pee pee until she's ready although I did have to tell her off today when she wanted to wear it as a hat!

  5. Well, we're trying it too, cold turkey (no nappies) and so far (5 days in) still not a single pee success. She hates sitting on the potty and really doesn't fancy it. It'll be a long hall. She's 33 months so I think it's really time. To be fair, not much opportunities for success - as she doesn't drink much and we only have 2 pees a day... At least that keeps the mess manageable.


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