I'm famous (HONEST!)

This is my posting for Sleep is for the Weak's  Writing Workshop 7 
( Note this claim to fame may be even lamer than MakedoMum's)

I have several rather dodgy claim to fame's


I was on the tv when I was a small child.

Now when I say was , it was only my voice and all I said was "Lan, Lawr, Chwith a Dde" (which to you non Welsh speakers out there means "Up, Down, Left and Right".

This is the programme I was on. I'd entered a phone in competition where I had to get a character in a computer game to move up, down, left or right! I won a rucksack which had lots of stickers in it.


I have spoken to dreamy Dermot O'Leary.


Again this was a phone in competition and I nearly won by default as the other contestant said F*&K!
I was swooning for days after this as I think he is gorgeous!


My husband's Uncle was in the Milky Bar Kid advert.
He is also in a band who have sung with Scouting with Boys (who are according to him PAP!)

See I told you they were all very lame!!



  1. You've been on TV, spoken to Dermot on the phone AND have a famous relative...I'd say you qualify as a celeb yourself.

    Ps. Can I have your autograph?

  2. Nah not lame! I did the same writing prompt.. Yours are waaay cooler then mine! :D x

  3. It's hard to get lamer than my famous HAND ha ha!
    I love Dermot, I would be swooning too.

  4. If you can all form an orderly queue I will sign anything!

    Dermot is the best isn't he!


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