We made this

Hello, thought I'd share with you all something me and Neb did yesterday.

It was a lovely cold but fresh winter's afternoon here yesterday so we bundled the girls up and off we went to our local woods to forage some greenery. Neb took with him a pair of wire cutters (we think our secateurs have ended up in the bin!) and off we went to cut off and pick up some bits of green. I'm  not sure if you are allowed to cut different bits of greenery : fir tree, ivy, rhodendron and some holly (not the berried stuff thoug) but we did.

Bel helped Neb and Car sat in the pushchair and screamed. There was not much wildlife around and as Car was in pushchair we didn't go to spot rabbits which we sometimes do whilst at these wods.

Anyway here is what me and Neb did last night whilst X factor was on.

I can be crafty!