Same boat and all that

Thank you all for your lovely comments on my last post. I will probably continue to vent away for a while longer because is it not why I started my  blog up.
Anyway, things are better now even after the minor disaster yesterday morning when my pay hadn't gone through !! ( did I say minor,I was in tears!!). Neb was actually quite a star and went to our bank to see what had happened especially as a work colleagues pay had gone through. The bank apologised and noted that due to high level of transactions some things were taking a while. He came back and told me this and I cried even harder until Bel came over and hugged me. I then slept on the sofa having got up mega early with Car!!
I woke up at 12 and lo and behold it was there.
So off we all went to Morrisons and did the shop to last! Me, and my calculator and the list.

Everything is done, the shopping is in, the turkey is in the fridge. The dining room has been tidied. We have the kitchen and the living room to do which will have to be today (its only surface stuff mind!)
I have not baked as it is only the 4 of us but Neb said he would make some mince pies today (yeuch!) so I asked for some maid of honours too!! (pastry case, jam and sponge for you who don't know!).

I have a small list of things yet to do : wrap Santa's presents, make Onion soup for supper, bath the children and myself and RELAX!!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I'll see you on the other side of these festivities and food. Christmas day at our house, Boxing Day at my dads (with my brother and wife!) and I'll see you all after.

Love you all and thank you all again for caring so much.



  1. Glad things got sorted out. Hope you, Neb and the girls have a lovely (relaxing? does relaxing and Christmas go together?) Christmas. See you on the other side! xx

  2. I'm glad it got sorted out - terribly frustrating though. Have a very Merry Christmas!!


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