A Hullah Christmas

Last night was Bel's second Christmas concert. Yes, I don't know why she had to have two either but its something to do with the school hall not being that big (why they can't have it in the village hall I don't know!)

Anyway, off we went at 6pm to her school, Bel being hyper, Car screaming for Mummy (regular occurrence - I was sat in the front of the car and she could see me!), Neb driving and me checking pockets for treats to keep Car quiet whilst show is on.

We arrived to the school and found the car park full. (concert didn't start until 6.30 and I wouldn't have been able to keep Car that quiet!) Not only was the car park full - we parked and blocked people in!, but the hall was really full. We managed to get two seats at the end of a row, one row from the back!

Car decided that she couldn't see and whilst waiting for things to start decided she'd stand up and bounce on my legs.

The first group of singers came on and I nearly cried. I love to hear children singing and it was nice to hear lots of  Welsh songs from my childhood! At the end of that group Car clapped very loudly and shouted YEAH VERY LOUDLY. It was turning into the Car show especially as she was asking in a very loud nearly 2 year voice " Bels, Bels??"

Bel's class appeared on stage all dressed in different costumes of the world. Bel was Hulla girl number 1 ( out of 4). All children had bought something different for baby jesus: Germany had bought a tree, Mexico had bought a pinata and the Hawaiian Hullah girls had bought shells. Bel was so lovely dancing on the stage, if a bit faster than everyone else!

Then came the child from Israel who had bought baby Jesus peace or Shalom. Well during this song we couldn't keep Car still as she had been singing it with Bel the night before. Luckily, she didn't embarrass Neb any further by singing but she did enjoy herself.

I had to leave the concert whilst the big kids in Bel's school were doing Cinderella (the gory version - heads falling off and all!) as she was getting restless and wanted to be on stage with the others. We left the hall and had to stand outside Bel's classroom as Car wanted to run riot. A classroom assistant let me in to Bel's class and Car and Bel ran riot in there.

Luckily for you there is no recording of Car and Bel singing Shalom but I will leave you with this.



  1. Gotta love 'em! And I like the global-family at the manger-theme... Charlie got the grumps at his own carol-service yesterday. Off came the reindeer costume; down came the tears... Oh well. There's always next year!

  2. Oh I have all this to look forward to! I also thought the unconventional multi-racial nativity was a nice touch - more fun being a hula girl than a shepherd :)

  3. What kind of Cinderella story do you know where the heads fall off???? (I'm hoping I'm reading that wrong....)

  4. Dotterel and Make do Mum -I was concerned about the multi racial nativity when Bel first told me about it but yes it did well.

    Gigi - no you read it fine, I didn't know the story about the heads falling off until the concert. Apparantly at midnight when Cinders fled and her shoe dropped off an Ugly Sister swapped the shoe for one of hers so that when the prince came to fit the shoe and it fitted her he was so upset about marrying someone so ugly that he started chopping heads off. In the meantime, Cinders realises how nasty he was and decides to marry a jam maker!


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